Can You Bet on 35 Numbers in Roulette?


Roulette, a staple in casinos worldwide, offers a variety of betting options to players. Among these options, the idea of betting on multiple numbers for a single spin intrigues many. But can you place bets on 35 numbers in a single roulette spin? Yes, you can.

This strategy involves covering almost the entire roulette wheel, leaving out only a couple of numbers. This approach aims to increase the chances of winning each spin. In this article, we’ll explore how this strategy works, its benefits, and its drawbacks.

In the following sections, we’ll cover:

  • The basics of roulette betting
  • The concept of betting on 35 numbers
  • How to implement this betting strategy
  • The pros and cons of betting on 35 numbers
  • Strategies for betting on 35 numbers effectively

What is Roulette Betting

Roulette betting encompasses a wide range of betting options, from single number bets to wagering on various groups of numbers or characteristics like color or even/odd numbers. Understanding these options is crucial for any roulette strategy.

The Concept of Betting on 35 Numbers

Betting on 35 numbers in roulette means you cover most of the wheel, greatly increasing your win chance on each spin. This strategy uses a mix of specific number bets and broader bets that cover groups of numbers, like red or black, to ensure only a few outcomes can result in a loss.

European or French roulette, with one zero, is slightly more favorable for this strategy compared to American roulette, which has an extra double zero and increases the house edge. This strategy demands careful planning and bankroll management, especially considering the variant of roulette you’re playing.

How to Bet on 35 Numbers

Betting on 35 numbers in roulette is a strategic approach that aims to maximize the chances of winning by covering most of the wheel. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to implement this strategy effectively:

  • Understand the Betting Table: Familiarize yourself with the layout of the roulette betting table. It includes inside and outside betting areas where you can place your bets on numbers or groups of numbers.
  • Start with Outside Bets: Consider starting with outside bets that cover large sections of the wheel. For example, a bet on Red or Black covers 18 numbers. However, since our goal is to cover 35 numbers, you’ll need to combine these with inside bets.
  • Place Inside Bets on Individual Numbers: Choose 17 individual numbers for inside bets. You can select these based on patterns, lucky numbers, or randomly.
  • Combine with a Column or Dozen Bet: Add a column or dozen bet to cover another 12 numbers. There are three columns and three dozens on the roulette table, each covering a different set of 12 numbers.
  • Adjust Your Bets to Cover 35 Numbers: Ensure your inside and outside bets combined cover 35 distinct numbers on the roulette wheel. Double-check to avoid betting on the same number twice.
  • Manage Your Chips: Allocate your chips accordingly. Remember, betting on 35 numbers requires a significant number of chips, so plan your bankroll management strategy beforehand.
  • Selecting Numbers Strategically: For the numbers you choose for inside bets, consider factors like frequency, historical data, or simply go with your gut feeling. There’s no guaranteed strategy for selecting winning numbers, but some players prefer to follow patterns or statistical data.
  • Consider the Zero: European and French roulette wheels have one zero, while American roulette has a zero and a double zero. Decide if you want to include the zero in your 35 numbers, especially for European and French roulette, as it can be a strategic choice.
  • Adjust for Wheel Bias (Optional): Some experienced players look for wheel biases where certain numbers win more often. This is more common in physical casinos. If you believe a wheel shows bias, you might adjust your numbers accordingly.
  • Review and Adjust: After playing a few rounds, review your strategy. Are there numbers that come up more often? Would you like to change your selection based on the outcomes you’ve seen? Adjust your bets as needed to refine your strategy.

Pros and Cons of Betting on 35 Numbers


  • Enhanced Chances of Winning Each Spin: By covering 35 out of 37 or 38 numbers, you significantly increase your likelihood of winning on every turn of the wheel.
  • Reduces Risk of Total Loss: With bets on 35 numbers, you’re less likely to lose your entire stake on a single spin, making it a safer, more conservative strategy.
  • Frequent Wins: This approach tends to result in more frequent wins, which can be satisfying and encouraging for players.
  • Simplicity in Strategy: It’s a straightforward strategy that doesn’t require complex calculations or tracking numbers, making it accessible for beginners.
  • Suitable for Long Sessions: Given its nature of frequent, smaller wins, it’s well-suited for players looking to enjoy longer playing sessions without depleting their bankroll quickly.


  • Lower Payouts Due to the Wide Spread of Bets: The wins you do secure are generally smaller because the bets are spread across most of the wheel, meaning individual wins might not cover the total amount bet.
  • Potential Impacts on Bankroll Management: While the strategy aims for small, frequent wins, the need to place multiple bets each spin can quickly deplete a bankroll if not managed carefully.
  • Reduced Excitement: For some players, the thrill of roulette comes from risking larger amounts on fewer numbers for the chance of bigger payouts. This cautious approach might lack the excitement they seek.


1. Is it allowed to bet on 35 numbers in a single roulette spin?
Yes, betting on 35 numbers in a single spin is allowed. Players use a combination of inside and outside bets to cover most of the roulette wheel.

2. How does betting on 35 numbers affect my chances of winning?
Betting on 35 numbers significantly increases your chances of winning on each spin since you’re covering almost the entire wheel. However, while wins may be more frequent, they are likely to be smaller in value.

3. Can betting on 35 numbers guarantee a win?
Although betting on 35 numbers greatly improves your chances of winning, it doesn’t guarantee a win. There’s still the possibility that the ball lands on one of the few numbers you didn’t bet on.

4. What’s the impact of betting on 35 numbers on the payouts?
Because you’re spreading your bets across the majority of the wheel, the payouts for winning bets are generally lower. Each win needs to offset the cost of the total bets placed, which can lead to smaller net profits.

5. Is betting on 35 numbers a good strategy for beginners?
Betting on 35 numbers can be a good strategy for beginners because it’s simple to understand and reduces the risk of losing a large amount quickly. It allows new players to get familiar with the game while enjoying more frequent wins, though they should be mindful of bankroll management due to the volume of bets required.

Author Paulie

Hey, I'm Paulie, an avid online iGaming enthusiast and writer.