Can You Bet on Every Number in Roulette


Roulette, a game of chance and strategy, captivates players worldwide with its simple yet intriguing mechanics. At the core of its allure is the roulette wheel, where players place bets on where they believe the ball will land.

Among the myriad betting strategies, one question stands out: Can you bet on every number in roulette? The short answer is yes, but the effectiveness and wisdom of this approach warrant a closer look. This article will explore the mechanics of betting on every number, the outcomes of such a strategy, and its implications for players.

In this article, we will explore:

  • The Basics of Roulette Betting
  • Can You Bet on Every Number in Roulette
  • What Happens if You Bet on Every Number in Roulette
  • Pros of Betting on Every Number in Roulette
  • Cons of Betting on Every Number in Roulette
  • Frequently Asked Questions

The Basics of Roulette Betting

In roulette, players have many ways to place their bets. You can choose a single number or bet on groups of numbers categorized by color (red or black), whether they’re odd or even, or if they’re high (19–36) or low (1–18). Each type of bet comes with its own odds and payouts, making your understanding of these options essential for forming a good betting strategy. The game’s aim is straightforward: predict where the ball will land on the spinning wheel. The variety in betting options allows for different strategies, ranging from high-risk, high-reward single number bets to more conservative bets like red or black.

Can You Bet on Every Number in Roulette

Indeed, it’s feasible to wager on all 37 numbers in European or French roulette or all 38 numbers in American roulette. Adopting this strategy means you will always select the winning number for every spin of the wheel. This method is seen as a way to guarantee a win every time the wheel spins, as at least one of your bets will match the winning number.

What Happens if You Bet on Every Number in Roulette

By betting on every number, you secure a win with each spin of the roulette wheel. This approach ensures that one of your bets will always match the winning number, leading to a guaranteed win each time. However, the key is whether the win from the single winning number is sufficient to offset the cost of all your placed bets.

The major consideration with this strategy is the cost involved in covering every number. The total amount you need to wager to cover every number is substantial. While you’re assured a win on every spin, the money you win on that single number often doesn’t equal the total amount you’ve bet. Therefore, even though you win every time, the net outcome may still result in a financial loss, as the payout for the winning number might not cover the expense of betting on all numbers. This aspect is crucial to consider for anyone thinking about employing this strategy in their roulette gameplay.

Pros of Betting on Every Number in Roulette

  • Guaranteed win on every spin.
  • Simplifies decision-making.
  • Covers all possible outcomes.
  • Reduces the risk of total loss on a single spin.
  • Ideal for players looking to enjoy the game longer.
  • Can be combined with other strategies for specific betting patterns.

Cons of Betting on Every Number in Roulette

  • Lower overall profitability due to the high cost of covering all numbers.
  • Limited excitement as the strategy removes the suspense of betting.
  • Potential for minimal net gains.
  • Requires a substantial bankroll to sustain through multiple spins.


1. How much does it cost to bet on every number in roulette?
The cost depends on the minimum bet allowed at the table and whether you’re playing American or European/French roulette. For a table with a $1 minimum bet, covering all 37 numbers (European/French) would cost $37 per spin, and covering all 38 numbers (American) would cost $38 per spin.

2. Can betting on every number in roulette overcome the house edge?
No, betting on every number does not overcome the house edge. While you guarantee a win on each spin, the payout is not enough to cover the total amount wagered, leading to a net loss over time that reflects the built-in house advantage.

3. Is this strategy allowed in casinos?
Yes, casinos allow players to bet on every number. It’s a legal and accepted strategy, although it’s not commonly used due to its low profitability.

4. What is the payout for winning a single number bet in roulette?
The payout for hitting a single number bet in roulette is 35 to 1. This means if you bet $1 on a single number and win, you receive $35 in winnings plus your original $1 bet back.

5. Does betting on every number guarantee a profit?
No, betting on every number does not guarantee a profit. While you will win on every spin, the winnings from the single winning number will not cover the cost of all bets placed. Over time, this strategy typically results in a net loss.

6. How do different roulette variations impact this betting strategy?
The main difference is between American roulette (38 numbers) and European/French roulette (37 numbers). The additional double zero in American roulette slightly increases the total cost of betting on every number and marginally raises the house edge, making the strategy less favorable than in European or French roulette.

7. Are there any other strategies more profitable than betting on every number?
Yes, there are several strategies that might offer better chances for profit, such as betting on outside bets like red/black, odd/even, or high/low, which have a near 50% chance of winning. Strategies like the Martingale, Fibonacci, or D’Alembert also aim to maximize wins and minimize losses, although they come with their own risks.

Author Paulie

Hey, I'm Paulie, an avid online iGaming enthusiast and writer.