How to Cheat a Roulette Machine: 6 Ways to Do It


Can you cheat a roulette machine? The idea might seem tempting to those searching for an easy win, but the reality is that cheating at casino games is illegal and can result in severe consequences.

Casinos utilize various security measures to prevent cheating and guarantee fair play. There are claims of several methods to influence or predict the outcomes of a roulette machine, and I am going to share those methods with you.

Here are the 6 ways you can cheat at a roulette machine.

Method 1: Ball Tripping

This is when someone tries to change how and when the ball is thrown into the roulette wheel to control where it lands. They might mess with the part of the wheel that throws the ball. The idea is to make the ball land in a specific area to increase winning chances.

How to do:

  • Get access to the roulette wheel, which usually means needing help from someone inside.
  • Find the part of the wheel that releases the ball.
  • Make small changes to it, like slowing a spring or putting something in the way.

Remember, trying to do this is illegal and wrong.

Method 2: Sector Targeting

This uses tech to guess where on the wheel the ball will stop. It looks at things like how fast the ball and wheel are going to guess where the ball will land. People might use gadgets or software to help with this.

How to do:

  • Use a device to measure the wheel and ball’s speed.
  • Put this info into a program that guesses where the ball will land.
  • Quickly bet based on the program’s guess.

Using tech to beat casino games is cheating and against the law.

Method 3: Laser Scanners in Phones

This method uses lasers and phones to figure out where the roulette ball might stop. The laser scans the wheel, and software predicts the outcome.

How to do:

  • Hide a laser scanner in a phone.
  • Point it at the roulette wheel to capture the ball’s speed and rotation.
  • The software then quickly tells where the ball might land.
  • Bet fast based on what the software says.

This is also illegal and could get you in serious trouble.

Method 4: Wheel Tampering

This is about changing the roulette wheel to make certain outcomes more likely. Someone might loosen parts or add weight to make the ball land in specific areas.

How to do:

  • Either work with someone at the casino or find a sneaky way to do it yourself.
  • Adjust parts of the wheel or its surface.
  • Be very careful to avoid getting caught.

Tampering with the wheel is a crime and highly risky.

Method 5: Using Magnetic Balls

This involves swapping the normal roulette ball with one that can be controlled with magnets. This way, you can make the ball go where you want.

How to do:

  • Get a magnetic ball that looks like the casino’s ball.
  • Put magnets in the wheel that you can turn on to pull the ball to certain spots.
  • Control the magnets secretly to cheat.

Using a magnetic ball is cheating, illegal, and unfair to others.

Method 6: Colluding with the Dealer

This is when you work together with the roulette dealer to cheat. The dealer might spin the wheel or ball in a way that helps you win.

How to do:

  • Secretly agree on signals or a plan with the dealer.
  • The dealer might give you hints on where to bet.
  • Bet based on these hints.

Working with a dealer to cheat is against the law and can lead to serious consequences.

Caution: All these methods are illegal and unethical. Casinos watch for cheating, and getting caught could lead to being banned or even arrested. It's best to play games fairly.
Author Paulie

Hey, I'm Paulie, an avid online iGaming enthusiast and writer.