European Roulette vs American


Roulette, with its iconic spinning wheel, has captivated gamblers for centuries. Known for its simplicity and the excitement it brings, roulette offers players a unique blend of luck and strategy. Among its variations, European and American Roulette stand out as the most popular, each offering distinct rules and gameplay experiences that cater to different types of players.

Introduction: Roulette’s Popularity and Variants

Roulette’s enduring appeal lies in its straightforward mechanics—players bet on where a ball will land on a spinning wheel. The game has evolved into two main variants: European and American Roulette. Each version has its unique wheel layout and set of rules, influencing the game’s odds and player strategies.

Historical Origins

The Birth of Roulette

The game of roulette can trace its roots back to 18th century France, where it began as a blend of several English wheel games and the Italian game Biribi. The name “roulette” itself means “little wheel” in French, reflecting its unique mechanism and origin.

Evolution into European and American Versions

As roulette gained popularity across Europe, it made its way to America with settlers. Over time, distinct versions developed: the European version retained its original form, while the American version introduced a double zero, altering the game dynamics.

Cultural Impact on Development

The roulette variations reflect the gambling cultures of Europe and America. European casinos favored a more player-friendly approach with a lower house edge, while American casinos introduced features like the double zero to increase the house advantage, reflecting a different gambling philosophy.

The Wheel Layout

European Roulette Wheel

The European Roulette wheel features 37 pockets: numbers 1 through 36, colored red and black, and a single green zero. This arrangement is designed to provide random outcomes while maintaining a lower house edge compared to its American counterpart.

American Roulette Wheel

In contrast, the American Roulette wheel includes 38 pockets: the numbers 1 through 36, a single zero, and an additional double zero, both colored in green. This extra double zero significantly impacts the game’s odds in favor of the house.

Comparison of Wheel Designs

The primary difference between the two versions lies in the presence of the double zero in American Roulette. This addition alters the game’s odds and strategies, as the extra pocket increases the house edge and affects betting outcomes. The layout of numbers on the wheel also differs slightly between the two versions, affecting the sequence and potential betting patterns.

The design and arrangement of the roulette wheel are critical to the game’s character and the strategies players employ. While the European version offers a more favorable setup for players, the American version presents an additional challenge with the double zero, making each version appealing to different types of players based on their risk tolerance and gameplay preferences.

House Edge and Odds

Understanding House Edge

The house edge represents the average percentage of each bet that the casino expects to keep over the long run. It’s a critical factor in casino games, directly influencing the player’s chance of winning. A lower house edge means a higher probability of winning for the player.

Comparison of House Edges

European Roulette features a single zero, resulting in a house edge of 2.7%. In contrast, American Roulette includes both a single zero and a double zero, which increases the house edge to 5.26%. This significant difference affects players’ odds of winning, making European Roulette more favorable for players in the long run.

Impact on Winning Odds

The additional double zero in American Roulette not only increases the house edge but also reduces the odds of winning on any bet placed. In European Roulette, the odds are slightly more in the player’s favor due to the single zero.

Betting Options and Rules

Common Betting Options

Roulette offers a variety of betting options, including inside bets (on specific numbers or groups of numbers) and outside bets (on larger groups of numbers or characteristics like color). Both European and American Roulette share these common betting options, providing players with numerous ways to stake their chips.

European Roulette Rules

Unique to European Roulette are the “En Prison” and “La Partage” rules. “En Prison” allows players to recover half of their even-money bets if the ball lands on zero, while “La Partage” offers a similar half-back option without the chance to leave the bet “in prison” for the next spin. These rules further reduce the house edge for bets with even odds.

American Roulette Rules

American Roulette lacks the “En Prison” and “La Partage” rules, contributing to its higher house edge. The presence of the double zero affects betting outcomes and payouts, especially on bets that would be even money in European Roulette.

Playing Strategies

European Roulette Strategies

Popular strategies like the Martingale or Fibonacci system are often applied in European Roulette, taking advantage of the lower house edge and the “En Prison” and “La Partage” rules to minimize losses on even-money bets.

American Roulette Strategies

In American Roulette, strategies may require more aggressive betting to overcome the higher house edge. Players might adopt more varied betting patterns or use systems designed to cover more of the wheel to compensate for the additional double zero.

Strategy Effectiveness

The choice and effectiveness of playing strategies in roulette can significantly depend on the version being played. The lower house edge and player-friendly rules in European Roulette generally allow for a wider range of effective strategies compared to American Roulette.

Player Experience

Contribution to Experience

European and American Roulette offer distinct experiences to players. The thrill of challenging the higher house edge in American Roulette appeals to some, while others prefer the slightly more favorable odds of European Roulette. The unique rules of each version also contribute to the overall enjoyment and strategy.

Preferences and Popularity

European Roulette tends to be more popular among players seeking better odds and a classic roulette experience. American Roulette, however, remains a staple in many casinos, particularly in the United States, appealing to players who enjoy the challenge of overcoming its higher house edge.


European and American Roulette each offer a unique set of rules, odds, and experiences, catering to different player preferences. Understanding the nuances of each version allows players to make informed decisions, adopt suitable strategies, and ultimately enhance their roulette experience. Whether drawn to the more favorable odds of European Roulette or the challenging gameplay of American Roulette, players are guaranteed an engaging and potentially rewarding experience at the roulette table.

Author Paulie

Hey, I'm Paulie, an avid online iGaming enthusiast and writer.