How Much Does 00 Pay in Roulette?


In the world of roulette, the presence of the double zero, denoted as “00,” holds significant importance in determining payouts and influencing gameplay dynamics.

Understanding the Roulette Wheel

The roulette wheel is the central element of the game, featuring numbered pockets where the ball lands after each spin. In addition to the numbers 1 through 36, the wheel includes two green pockets marked as “0” and “00,” positioned opposite each other.

Payouts for 00

When the ball lands on the 00 pocket, players who placed bets on the 00 directly receive a payout. In roulette, landing on 00 typically pays out at 35 to 1. Typically, the payout for hitting 00 is similar to that of hitting any other single number, such as 1 through 36.

Comparison with Other Bets

Compared to other betting options in roulette, such as single number bets, color bets (red or black), and even/odd bets, the payout for landing on 00 may vary. While the odds of hitting 00 are relatively low, the potential payout can be substantial, depending on the specific roulette variant and the corresponding payout rates.

In summary, understanding the significance of 00 in roulette is crucial for players aiming to strategize their bets effectively and maximize their potential winnings.

Impact on Odds and House Edge

In roulette, the addition of the double zero (00) pocket on the wheel has a notable impact on the game’s odds of winning and the overall house edge. Understanding these effects is essential for players to make informed betting decisions and grasp the dynamics of the game.

Effect on Odds of Winning

The presence of 00 significantly alters the odds of winning in roulette. In a standard European roulette wheel, which features a single zero (0), the odds of landing on any specific number are 1 in 37 (excluding the zero). However, with the addition of 00 in American roulette, the odds shift to 1 in 38 for each individual number. This slight increase in the number of pockets reduces the likelihood of hitting specific numbers or combinations, thereby impacting the overall odds of winning.

Impact on House Edge

The house edge, also known as the casino’s advantage, is the statistical advantage that the casino holds over players in a game. In roulette, the presence of 00 contributes to a higher house edge compared to European roulette. While European roulette typically has a house edge of around 2.70% due to the single zero pocket, American roulette’s house edge increases to approximately 5.26% due to the additional double zero pocket. This difference in house edge makes American roulette less favorable for players in terms of long-term profitability.

Effect on Betting Strategies

The presence of 00 in American roulette has implications for betting strategies employed by players. Since the odds of winning are slightly lower compared to European roulette, players may need to adjust their strategies accordingly. Some players may opt for riskier bets with higher payouts, such as straight-up number bets, to compensate for the reduced odds of winning. Others may prefer safer bets with lower payouts, such as even/odd or red/black bets, to mitigate potential losses.


In conclusion, the inclusion of 00 in American roulette significantly impacts the game’s odds of winning and the overall house edge. Players should be aware of these effects when strategizing their bets and consider the differences between American and European roulette when choosing which variant to play. Understanding the implications of 00 can help players make more informed decisions and enhance their overall roulette experience.

Author Paulie

Hey, I'm Paulie, an avid online iGaming enthusiast and writer.