How Much Does 00 Pay in Roulette


In roulette, the 00 pays out at 35 to 1. This means if you bet on 00 and it hits, you win 35 times the amount you bet, plus you get your original bet back.

This payout is the same for any single number bet in roulette, not just the 00. Betting on 00 is popular in American roulette, where the wheel includes both 0 and 00, increasing the house edge. Players choose 00 for the chance of a big win, even though it’s a risky bet because of the low odds of hitting any single number

What is 00 Payouts in Roulette

In roulette, betting on the 00 pays out at 35 to 1. This is a standard payout for any single number bet in the game. When you place a bet on 00 and win, you receive 35 times the amount you bet, along with the return of your original bet. This high payout reflects the low probability of winning on a single number, which is what makes these bets so appealing to many players.

The 00 is unique to American roulette and offers a distinct betting option not found in European or French roulette versions. The inclusion of 00 increases the total number of pockets on the wheel to 38, affecting the odds and payouts. Betting on 00 is a popular choice for players looking for high rewards, despite the increased house edge associated with it.

Payouts for 00 in American Roulette

In American roulette, the 00 pocket is a hallmark feature that distinguishes it from other roulette versions. The payout for hitting the 00 in American roulette is 35 to 1, mirroring the payout for all single number bets on the roulette table. This means if you place a $1 bet on 00 and win, you’ll receive $35 in winnings, plus your original $1 bet back, totaling $36.

The presence of both 0 and 00 on the American roulette wheel increases the house edge to 5.26%, higher than in European or French roulette. This makes the game more challenging, but the potential high payout of betting on 00 continues to attract players who are willing to take on the extra risk for a chance at a significant reward.

Payouts for 00 in European Roulette

European roulette does not feature the 00 pocket, only having a single 0 on the wheel. Therefore, there are no payouts for 00 in European roulette because the betting option simply does not exist in this version of the game. The European roulette wheel consists of 37 pockets: numbers 1 to 36, evenly split between red and black, and a single 0 pocket in green.

The absence of 00 in European roulette reduces the house edge to 2.7%, offering better odds to players compared to American roulette. Players looking to bet on a single number can choose from 1 to 36 or 0, each offering a 35 to 1 payout for wins.

Payouts for 00 in French Roulette

Similar to European roulette, French roulette also lacks the 00 pocket, featuring only a single 0. Consequently, there are no payouts for 00 in French roulette. French roulette is known for its unique table layout and the use of French terms for betting options. It also includes rules like La Partage and En Prison that can further reduce the house edge for even-money bets in certain situations.

Strategies for Playing 00 in Roulette

Betting on 00 in American roulette is a strategy favored by players looking for big wins. Since the payout is 35 to 1, even a small bet on 00 can lead to a substantial payout. However, due to the low probability of winning, it’s important to approach this bet with caution. A common strategy is to combine bets on 00 with other betting patterns, such as betting on color, even/odd, or columns, to cover more outcomes and increase chances of winning.

Another strategy involves bankroll management, where players set aside a small portion of their bankroll for high-risk bets like 00 while placing safer bets with the rest. This allows players to enjoy the thrill of betting on 00 without risking their entire bankroll on a single spin. Remember, no strategy can overcome the house edge in roulette, so it’s important to play responsibly and for entertainment purposes.


  • What is the payout for betting on 00 in roulette?
    he payout for betting on 00 in roulette is 35 to 1. This means if you bet on 00 and it wins, you receive 35 times your original bet amount, plus your initial bet is returned to you.
  • Can I bet on 00 in all types of roulette?
    No, you can only bet on 00 in American roulette. European and French roulette versions do not have the 00 pocket on their wheels.
  • Is the payout for 00 different from other single number bets in roulette?
    No, the payout for 00 is the same as for any other single number bet in roulette, which is 35 to 1. This standard payout applies to all single numbers on the roulette table, including 00 in American roulette.
  • How does betting on 00 affect the house edge in roulette?
    Betting on 00 itself does not change the house edge; however, the existence of the 00 in American roulette increases the house edge to 5.26%, making it higher than in European or French roulette, which have a lower house edge due to having fewer pockets.
  • What strategy should I use when betting on 00 in roulette?
    While there’s no guaranteed winning strategy for betting on 00, players often use it as part of a larger betting pattern or combine it with safer bets to cover more outcomes. It’s important to manage your bankroll wisely and remember that roulette is a game of chance, so betting on 00 should be approached with caution and for entertainment purposes.
Author Paulie

Hey, I'm Paulie, an avid online iGaming enthusiast and writer.