How Much Does Hitting a Number on Roulette Pay


Hitting a number on roulette pays 35 to 1. This means if your bet on a single number wins, you get 35 times your bet amount plus your original bet back.

When you choose a single number in roulette, the odds are slim, but the reward is big. This big payout is because it’s not easy to guess the right number out of 36 or 37 options. Players like this bet for the chance to win a lot from a little bet. The game of roulette offers many ways to bet, but single number bets are the most straightforward. You pick one number, place your bet, and hope the ball lands on that number. It’s a simple way to play but comes with high risk and high reward.

The Concept of Odds in Roulette

Roulette is a game where understanding the odds is crucial for making informed betting decisions. The odds represent the probability of a certain outcome occurring. In roulette, these odds vary widely depending on the type of bet you place. For example, the odds of hitting a single number are much lower compared to betting on red or black.

Probability in roulette is straightforward. With 37 numbers on a European wheel and 38 on an American wheel, the probability of hitting a single number is 1 in 37 or 1 in 38, respectively. This low probability is what makes the payout for these bets so high.

The house edge is another critical concept tied to odds. It represents the casino’s advantage over the player. In European roulette, the house edge is 2.7%, while in American roulette, it’s 5.26% due to the extra double zero. The house edge affects every bet on the roulette table, not just single number bets.

Payouts for Hitting a Number in Roulette

Hitting a single number in roulette is a challenging feat, but it rewards players handsomely. The standard payout for hitting a single number is 35 to 1. This means if you bet $1 on a single number and win, you receive $35 in winnings plus your original $1 bet back.

This high payout reflects the high risk associated with these bets. The chances of winning are slim, but the potential reward is significant. This risk-reward ratio is a key attraction of roulette, enticing players to try their luck at hitting a single number.

Compared to other bets, the payout for a single number is the highest. Other betting options, like red or black, offer lower payouts of 1 to 1 because the probability of winning these bets is much higher. This diversity in betting options allows players to choose strategies based on their risk tolerance and goals.

How to Calculate Payouts

Calculating payouts in roulette is straightforward once you understand the basics. Each type of bet has a specific payout ratio, determined by the odds of that bet winning.

Calculation Formula

The formula for calculating your payout is payout ratio x bet amount. For a single number bet, this would be 35 x your bet amount. For a $10 bet on a single number, the calculation would be 35 x $10 = $350 in winnings, plus your original $10 bet.

Different bets have different payout ratios. For instance, betting on two numbers (split bet) pays 17 to 1, and betting on a row (street bet) pays 11 to 1. Understanding these ratios is crucial for calculating potential winnings across different bets.

Factors Affecting Payouts in Roulette

Several factors can influence the payouts in roulette, beyond just the type of bet placed.

Roulette Variation

The type of roulette being played (American vs. European) can affect the payouts due to the additional double zero in American roulette. While the payout ratios remain the same, the odds of winning differ, which indirectly affects the expected payouts.

Betting Strategy

Your betting strategy, such as spreading bets across the table or focusing on specific numbers, can influence your overall payout. Diversified strategies might reduce the risk but also dilute potential payouts.

Bankroll Management

Effective bankroll management can affect payouts by determining how much you can afford to bet and for how long you can sustain play. It’s about balancing the potential for high payouts with the risk of losing.

How Much Does Hitting a Number on Roulette Pay

The substantial payout is a significant draw for players, providing a thrilling opportunity to turn a small bet into a large win. The excitement of potentially hitting a single number keeps players coming back to the roulette table, despite the low odds of success.


What is the payout for hitting a single number in roulette?
Hitting a single number in roulette pays 35 to 1. This means if you bet $1 on a single number and it wins, you receive $35 in winnings, plus your original $1 bet is returned to you.

Does the payout for hitting a number change between American and European roulette?
No, the payout for hitting a single number does not change between American and European roulette; it remains 35 to 1 in both versions. The main difference lies in the odds of hitting a number due to the additional double zero in American roulette.

Can you explain how the payout is calculated for a single number bet in roulette?
The payout is calculated by multiplying your bet amount by the payout ratio. For a single number bet, if you win, your payout is your bet amount times 35. For example, a $10 bet would win $350 ($10 x 35), plus your original $10 bet is returned.

Is hitting a single number the best-paying bet in roulette?
Yes, hitting a single number offers the highest payout ratio in roulette at 35 to 1. This is the most lucrative single bet you can make in terms of payout ratio compared to other betting options on the roulette table.

How often can I expect to hit a single number in roulette?
The probability of hitting a single number in European roulette is 1 in 37 (2.7%), and in American roulette, it’s 1 in 38 (2.63%) due to the extra double zero. While the payout is high, the odds of hitting a single number are low, reflecting the risk and reward of this betting option.

Author Paulie

Hey, I'm Paulie, an avid online iGaming enthusiast and writer.