Romanovsky Roulette System: What do you need to know


The Romanovsky roulette system is a method designed to increase the chances of winning at roulette by strategically betting on a series of numbers. This system involves dividing the roulette table into sectors and placing bets on certain combinations that cover approximately two-thirds of the table, aiming to maximize coverage while maintaining a chance for profit.

Wondering how to apply the Romanovsky roulette system effectively in your next game? I’ve got you covered. This strategy requires careful planning and understanding of its betting pattern to effectively increase your winning odds.

What is Romanosky Roulette System

The Romanosky roulette system focuses on covering a large portion of the roulette table to increase winning chances. It involves placing bets on two out of three dozens or columns and covering some of the remaining numbers with corner bets. This unique combination allows players to cover up to 32 numbers, significantly boosting their odds of winning while limiting potential losses.

How to Implement Romanovsky System in Play

Select Your Bets: Choose two dozens or columns that you will not bet on and place bets on the third. For the remaining section, use corner bets to cover four numbers.

Betting Amounts: Typically, the system requires placing 8 units on the dozen or column and 2 units on each of the two corner bets, totaling 12 units per round.

Follow the Outcome: If the ball lands on any of your covered numbers, you win. Repeat the process or adjust your strategy based on the game flow.

Advantages of the Romanovsky System

High Coverage: Covers approximately two-thirds of the roulette table, enhancing your chances of winning.

Simple Strategy: Easy to understand and implement, suitable for both beginners and experienced players.

Lower Risk: By covering more numbers, the system reduces the risk of losing a single bet.

Structured Betting: Provides a clear framework for betting, making it easier to manage your bankroll.

Romanovsky System Variations

Several variations adjust the original Romanovsky system to fit different risk tolerances or betting preferences. These might include altering the number of units placed on dozens or columns versus corner bets or adjusting the specific numbers covered by corner bets. Each variation maintains the core principle of covering a significant portion of the roulette table.


Can the Romanovsky system guarantee a win? No betting system can guarantee a win due to the randomness of roulette. However, the Romanovsky system increases your chances by covering more numbers.

Is the Romanovsky system legal? Yes, using the Romanovsky system is legal in casinos. It’s a betting strategy, not a method of cheating.

How much bankroll do I need for the Romanovsky system? It’s advisable to have a bankroll that can sustain you through several rounds to accommodate the total betting units required per play.

Can I use the Romanovsky system online? Yes, the Romanovsky system can be applied to both online and live roulette games, as long as the betting structure allows for the specific bets required.

What’s the biggest drawback of the Romanovsky system? The main drawback is that while it covers many numbers, the net win might be small relative to the total bet amount, especially if the ball lands on the less-covered sections of the wheel.

Author Paulie

Hey, I'm Paulie, an avid online iGaming enthusiast and writer.