How Much Do you Win if you Bet 100 on Black in Roulette?


If you bet $100 on black in roulette and win, you win $100. This bet pays 1 to 1, so you double your money when you win.

Betting on black is one of the simplest bets in roulette. It covers all black numbers on the wheel, giving you almost a 50% chance to win, minus the house edge from the green zero or double zero. Many players choose this bet for its balance of risk and reward.

You don’t win as much as betting on a single number, but your chances of winning are much higher. This makes betting on black a popular choice for both new and experienced players looking for steady wins.

Bet on Black: Explained

Betting on black in roulette is a straightforward approach where a player places their chips on all black numbers. Roulette wheels are divided into numbers 1 through 36, alternating between red and black, plus one or two green pockets (0 and 00) depending on the version. When you bet on black, you’re wagering that the ball will land on any black number.

This type of bet is known as an outside bet because it’s made on the options around the number grid. It offers a simpler choice for players, as it doesn’t require picking specific numbers. Betting on black has become a popular strategy because it provides a nearly 50% chance of winning each spin, making it one of the safer bets in roulette.

The Payout for Betting on Black

The payout for betting on black is 1 to 1. This means if you win, you get your original bet back plus an amount equal to that bet as winnings. For instance, if you bet $100 on black and win, you’ll receive $200 back – your $100 bet plus $100 in winnings.

This 1 to 1 payout reflects the nearly even odds of winning such a bet, excluding the house edge. The simplicity and relatively good odds of winning make betting on black a favored choice among many roulette players. It’s a key part of many betting strategies, balancing risk and reward for a steady gameplay experience.

American Roulette Payout: if you bet 100 on black in roulette

In American roulette, the wheel includes numbers 1-36 plus a 0 and a 00, both of which are green. This means there are 38 total pockets. When you bet $100 on black in American roulette and win, you’ll receive $200 – your original $100 bet plus $100 in winnings.

The presence of the double zero in American roulette slightly decreases the probability of winning bets on black compared to European roulette. The odds of winning a bet on black in American roulette are approximately 47.4% due to the extra pocket. Despite this, the payout remains 1 to 1, offering a simple, straightforward betting option for players.

European Roulette Payout: if you bet 100 on black in roulette

European roulette features a single zero (0) and does not have a double zero (00), making 37 total pockets on the wheel. If you bet $100 on black and win in European roulette, you also win $100, totaling $200 returned to you.

The odds of winning a bet on black in European roulette are slightly better than in American roulette, standing at about 48.6%. This is due to the absence of the double zero, reducing the house edge. The 1 to 1 payout in European roulette thus offers slightly better overall odds for players choosing to bet on black.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • One common mistake is not fully understanding the odds of betting on black. Remember, the green zero (and double zero in American roulette) tilts the odds slightly in favor of the house. It’s crucial to acknowledge this when planning your bets.
  • Another mistake is poor bankroll management. Betting more than you can afford to lose or chasing losses with increasingly larger bets can quickly deplete your funds. It’s important to set limits for yourself and stick to them.
  • Some tables offer the en prison or la partage rules, which can affect bets on black in European roulette by offering a chance to recover your bet or only lose half when the ball lands on zero. Being aware of these rules can offer a slight advantage.

Author Paulie

Hey, I'm Paulie, an avid online iGaming enthusiast and writer.