How Much to Tip Casino Dealer


Tipping casino dealers is a common practice, but determining the appropriate amount can be confusing, especially for those new to gambling. Tipping is a way to show appreciation for good service, and it’s essential to understand the customs and etiquette surrounding it.

While there are no hard and fast rules, several factors influence how much to tip casino dealers. These include the game you’re playing, the stakes involved, and your overall experience. In this article, we’ll explore the guidelines and considerations for tipping casino dealers.

When it comes to tipping casino dealers, the general rule of thumb is to tip between 10-20% of your winnings. However, this can vary depending on the game and the casino’s policies.

For example, in poker games, it’s customary to tip the dealer 1 big blind or 1 small blind per hour of play. In games like blackjack or craps, dealers typically expect a tip for each winning round or a percentage of your net winnings at the end of your session.

Factors to Consider When Tipping Casino Dealers

Game Type and Stakes

The type of game you’re playing and the stakes involved can influence the appropriate tip amount. In general, higher-stakes games may warrant higher tips, as the dealers are handling larger sums of money.

For instance, in a high-roller baccarat game, it’s not uncommon to tip the dealer $100 or more for exceptional service. On the other hand, in a low-stakes slot machine session, a tip of a few dollars may be sufficient.

Length of Play and Service Quality

The length of your playing session and the quality of service provided by the dealer can also impact the tip amount.

If you’ve been playing for an extended period, it’s customary to tip more generously to acknowledge the dealer’s efforts over that time. Similarly, if the dealer has provided exceptional service, going above and beyond, a higher tip shows your appreciation.

Casino Policies and Local Customs

Different casinos may have their own tipping policies or guidelines that players should be aware of. Some casinos have strict rules about tipping, while others may leave it up to the players’ discretion.

It’s always a good idea to inquire about the casino’s tipping policies before you start playing. Additionally, different regions or cities may have their own local customs when it comes to tipping casino dealers, so it’s wise to familiarize yourself with these if you’re traveling.

Tipping Etiquette

  • Tip in chips or cash, not with tickets or vouchers
  • Time your tips appropriately, not during the middle of a hand
  • Avoid overly flashy or attention-seeking tipping
  • Be discreet and respectful when tipping dealers

When Not to Tip (or Tip Less)

While tipping is generally expected and appreciated, there are certain situations where you may choose not to tip or to tip a smaller amount.

If the dealer has provided poor service, been rude or unprofessional, or made mistakes that cost you money, it’s understandable to reduce or withhold the tip. However, it’s important to remain respectful and avoid causing a scene.

if you’re on a tight budget or experiencing significant losses, it’s perfectly acceptable to tip a smaller amount or skip tipping altogether. Your financial situation should take priority over tipping expectations.

When Winning Big

  • Many players choose to tip more generously after a big win
  • This shows appreciation and shares the luck
  • But it’s not an obligation, tip what you’re comfortable with

If You’re a Frequent Player

  • Regular or high-roller players may negotiate tipping arrangements
  • Some casinos offer tipping pooling or built-in dealer gratuities
  • Communicate with casino staff about options

Ultimately, tipping casino dealers is a matter of personal choice and should be based on your overall experience and financial situation. Following general tipping guidelines and being aware of casino policies can help ensure a positive gambling experience for all.

Author Paulie

Hey, I'm Paulie, an avid online iGaming enthusiast and writer.